donno what to say
gonna give it 5 becours i don't know if this is stupid enourgh to be funny
or just stupid way to show link live/quest on
but really like navi super attack
navi: now that din't happen
donno what to say
gonna give it 5 becours i don't know if this is stupid enourgh to be funny
or just stupid way to show link live/quest on
but really like navi super attack
navi: now that din't happen
interresting way to see live
agian you make this short film grafic nice
and your idea of a tree form of real life is perfeckt and interresting
love the flower thing
very nice
your amazing to make movie and make the right scene to the right point in music
but i think this movie was pretty gay
no offens
wtf nice work
i was just like ehh? UNTIIL he began to fly and fight all that stuff
brilliant work keep it comming
havent seen suck a nice fight for years
good fight so far but
why did they even fight?(where is the history)
and why din't link use the sheild?
wtf happened O.O
this movie need a history then fighting were good but
dos this movie have a point?
Joined on 5/8/08